Saturday, October 5, 2013

NEVADA - LAS VEGAS - Sunday 16 September 2012

Sunday 16 September
Tony, an ex Park Ranger who had befriended Tom, came round to see us before we left and took us to see the Tarantula Wasp, the biggest wasp in the world. It sucks the nectar out of a flower before eating it and its about 3+ inches long with a fearsome bite.

The Tarantula Wasp, Lake Mead National Recreation Area, Arizona
 Left mid-morning to go back to Main Street Station RV Park under the flyover again. Dave wanted to go to see Mike and Helen, some friends from England who are on holiday in Las Vegas. I wasn't so keen as I didn't want to go out drinking but, of course, we did.

Wandered down Fremont Street with Tom and Mia to get some suncream and bits and pieces before catching the bus to the Strip and booking Mia into Excalibur. She was given a rubbish room but we soon changed that. Met Mike and Helen late afternoon in the casino but they are always so cold with air conditioning whilst it is so beautiful outside - not many gardens here in Las Vegas though. Later on saw Jack, Lucy, Jane, Tony and Sam booking in and delighted to hear that Jack and Lucy are expecting a baby. Later everyone turned up - James, Lisa, Stew, Rhiannon, Brian, Michelle, my sisters-in-law Lesley and Christine  and Mick and Karen. Dave and I left about 11.00 p.m. to get the bus back to Main Street. All feels a bit strange being with so many people - not too happy at the moment.

Monday 17 September
Nevada consists largely of endless tracts of empty desert, flat sagebrush plains all cut up intermittently by jutting mountain ranges and while dozens of small communities are scattered remotely throughout the state, many more are decrepit roadside ghost towns. Most people, of course, pass through Nevada to gamble and once you pass through the state line you are ambushed with an onslaught of neon, advertising and gimmicky architecture. Las Vegas didn't even exist at the beginning of the 20th century and now its home to 2 million people and boasts 19 of the world's 25 largest hotels. It is an experience and an amazing sight to see but, from experience, I know that the novelty will pall in a few days' time. If we were not here for a wedding, it is not a city I would ever think of coming back to for a second time. However, we are here and we set off for Mandalay Bay, one of Las Vegas's better hotels, which was where the main wedding party was staying. Had a fiasco parking the van and got sent from Mandalay Bay to The Luxor to The Excalibur before finally finding somewhere to park - all very stressful particularly in 100 degrees of heat. Had to drag our bags from the garage to the hotel which wasn't fun and then appalled at the first two rooms offered - I was in no mood for messing and, thankfully, the third room overlooking the pool and beach area was very satisfactory. The whole process though had taken about 4 hours and we were ready for the pool. Met up with the kids and a few others, swam, had a cocktail and lazed in the sun before going out on the hen night. Had an hour with Mia first of all and then thrilled to see my sister Lyndsey who is staying at The Luxor with her husband and a couple of friends. We had a real fun night catching limousines to Old Town and drinking in Fremont Street. Back to the Lobby Bar at The Excalibur for last drinks before the long confusing walk back through the hotels to Mandalay Bay and bed. Dave came in an hour later. Good fun.

Tuesday 18 September
Surprisingly felt fine although I didn't wake up until about 10.00 a.m. Dave still asleep. Went to meet Mia for a late breakfast at Excalibur before she went to meet Jade from the airport. Spent the afternoon at the pool by myself just reading my book - peace. Met Mia and Jade at the Irish Bar in Mandalay Bay at 6.00 p.m. Tom, James, Lisa and Rhiannon there as well (think her and Tom are a bit of an item - you know what they say about the best man and the bridesmaid1) - such a delight to meet Jade and liked her instantly. Dave had arranged to see Mike and Helen in The Lobby Bar at 8.00 so went there with Mia and Jade, had far too much to drink and bed by about 1.30 p.m.

Mike, Helen, Dave, Mia, Tom, The Lobby Bar, Excalibur, Las Vegas, Nevada

Lyndsey, Mia, Jade and Me, The Excalibur, Las Vegas, Nevada
Wednesday 19 September
Felt OK again this morning so off to the pool. There are several at Mandalay Bay but there is a large wave pool on a beach which is rather nice except all the sunloungers are laid out in rows which I absolutely hate - would never sit on a beach like that. Caught up with everyone and enjoyed some swimming, hot sun, chat and reading.

Tony, Jane, Jade, Mia and Dave, The Harley Davidson Bar, The Strip, Las Vegas, Nevada

My sisters-in-law, Christine and Les, Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas, Nevada
We met up with Jane and Tony and Jade and Mia in the evening for a walk up The Strip - nice to be out of the hotel although Dave and I have done it all before so not too bothered about seeing the sights, hence no photographs. Ate shrimp and steak outside on the street at the Harley Davidson Bar (sitting out is a novelty here) before going to see the musical/dancing fountains at Bellagio. Hot, sticky walk back and had a final drink in the Lobby Bar before bed.

Thursday 20 September - WEDDING DAY
Wedding Day of James and Lisa. Dave went to the barbers and for breakfast with the boys so I met Jane, Mia and Jade and had an Excalibur buffet before going to the pool at Mandalay Bay. Met up with Lesley and Christine before heading back about 1.30 p.m. to start getting ready. Felt a bit tense about everything and feel that things are still not right with James but finally got the dreaded dress on and loved it - all that worrying and nagging for nothing. We all met for drinks at 3.00 p.m. in the Lantern Bar in The Luxor before getting limousines, supplied with champagne, to the wedding venue which was about 40 minutes away in the desert. It was a beautiful setting overlooking a lake with the ever-present mountains in the background. It was a lovely ceremony and Lisa looked stunning although they both seemed really nervous. Stew and Sam sang a beautiful number and Pastor Pete said some nice words.

The wedding of James and Lisa, Las Vegas, Nevada

James and Lisa

Mia, Dave, Lisa, James, Me and Tom
The food was lovely with a choice of steak or sea bass, both of which were simply gorgeous, followed by dancing and a free bar. Coaches then arrived at 10.30 p.m. to take us back to the Lantern Bar for more free drinks.
Dave and Tom, The Lantern Bar, The Luxor, Las Vegas
Tom, Jane and Tony, The Lantern Bar, The Luxor, Las Vegas 

Me and Tom, The Lantern Bar, The Luxor, Las Vegas

The beautiful bridesmaids, Rhiannon and Laura, The Lantern Bar, The Luxor, Las Vegas
 Lovely to be with everyone but poor Jade was a bit jetlagged and overwhelmed today so she went back to sleep and I spent a bit of time with Mia. Lovely day and bed about 3.30 p.m.

Friday 21 September
Well another lazy day really. Dave didn't bother moving much at all and I went out mid-morning and met up with Christine and Les before Dave took them to have a look at the van, following that they were going on a helicopter ride to the west rim of the Grand Canyon. Saw Tom and Rhiannon (who looked very cosy), Mick and Karen and James and Lisa at the pool and was stunned, thrilled and surprised to learn that Jack and Lucy had got married by Elvis that afternoon - wonderful news. We all arranged to meet up in the Lantern Bar to go and see the lights of Fremont Street in old Las Vegas.

The Fremont Street Experience is five blocks roofed over to form a 'celestial vault' studded with over 12 million LED nodules to create a screen that's illuminated in dazzling nightly displays every hour. Its great fun and much more manageable than The Strip, much cheaper but it still has the assortment of colourful characters that Las Vegas is famous for. Had a delicious pizza and some drinks in The Golden Nugget before getting taxis back to The Lobby Bar in Mandalay Bay for last drinks. Most people are on their way home or onward bound elsewhere tomorrow including Mia and Jade. Farewell darling daughter, see you in December xx

Saturday 22 September
Most people gone today although Tom and Rhiannon staying another night with James and Lisa. We left mid-morning to go back to Sam's Town in south Las Vegas. Did some shopping at Walmart, went for a swim and then met Tom and James in the pretty garden bar for drinks early evening which was really nice. They got a taxi back to The Strip whilst Dave and I had a couple more drinks followed by an explosive row - that was always going to happen - night night.

Sunday 23 September
I apologised for last night as I was quite out of order and had a tear to think that Mia has gone, we are both feeling quite sorry for ourselves. Went for a little walk and then Tom arrived as he is staying with us tonight before flying home tomorrow. Nice to have him here. We cooked some burgers and went for last drinks before settling down to a quiet night.

Monday 24 September
Dave and Tom went for breakfast before he got a taxi to the airport about 9.00 a.m. for an 11.15 a.m. flight. We're both feeling sad and lonely and, at the moment, have little interest in what we're going to do next. It could be years before we're all together again which is a daunting thought. Just had a lazy, hot day. Decided we might stay here for a few days as it is cheap and we don't feel like doing much anyway - the impetus seems to have left us. Went for a swim and sat about reading before going to the Prime Rib Buffet in the casino. Excellent food and great value for money at 10.00 dollars for 'eat as much as you like'. Had a drink afterwards and then home.

Tuesday 25 September
Decided to stay another day. Tom and Mia both safely down so that's always good to hear. More of the same today really. Hot sunshine, swimming, reading and a great lack of enthusiasm from us both. There's a great cinema here with numerous screens so we went to see 'The Bourne Legacy' which was OK. I haven't seen any of the others but Dave has and he thought it was pretty rubbish. So cold in the cinema though with the air conditioning that I had to wear a hoodie which is ironic when its still 90+ degrees outside. Glass of wine and a beer afterwards followed by bed and a read.

Wednesday 26 September
Well, we're still here but will definitely go tomorrow. We had a complete spring clean which made us feel a bit better, did a bit of shopping across the road at Walmart and then back for a swim, read, shade and laze. Its strange but at the moment we're both quite happy sitting in the little casino RV park not having to go anywhere or really think about anything so we won't. Decided to go across the road for early drinks at the little Longhorn Casino and it was really nice. Just a neighbourhood bar really (plus all the machines of course), a bit seedy but we don't mind that and with drinks some of the cheapest we've paid anywhere this trip - 4.00 dollars for a bourbon and coke and a beer, a definite winner with us. A nice couple of hours.

Thursday 27 September
Well decided to stay 3 more nights so both feel quite happy with that. The weather is simply glorious, the pool is nice and we're not really in a great hurry to move. Just did the usual stuff again today and went out about 6.00 p.m. for another 'all you can eat buffet'  at the casino. Back for a read before an early night.

Friday 28 September
The weather doesn't seem to be cooling down here and it is still in the high 90's during the day. Went for a little walk, sat at the pool reading for a couple of hours before going to the Longhorn Casino for  early drinks - we sound like snowbirders!  Really like it there, it's real. It's a casino but basically its a local bar with local people and some slots - a refreshing change. Came back, cooked some food and sat out in the beautiful night air.  A long read before bed.

Saturday 29 September
It's getting a bit boring writing the same but that's what we're doing - enjoying it as well, it's nice not to have to think about what we're doing next. It would be all too easy to get stuck here but we've decided we are definitely going to leave on Monday - the beginning of a week and the beginning of a month. Had a night in, cooked a roast dinner and sat out reading before bed.

Sunday 30 September
Last day today of not having to think - lots of swimming and generally relaxing in the gorgeous weather. Early evening had a drink in the Eastside Cannery Casino, a large casino complex next to Sam's Town, but didn't like it so back to the Longhorn, our local neighbourhood casino. A good night, some chat with the locals and a McDonalds out in the lovely hot night air. Behind the glitz and the glamour here lies tragedy - sorry lives, poverty, homelessness and more. These problems are very obvious when you come away from the Strip and its all too obvious in the area where we have currently been staying. There's clearly a lot of drink, drug and social problems. The local neighbourhood Walmart,  which is just across the road from the RV site, is a larger version of Bedminster's Asda so you can make up your own mind. Saying that though we are comfortable here, it's definitely real life and I think we might be back.

Monday 1 October
The name Las Vegas is Spanish for The Meadows and it originally referred to a group of springs that served as a stopping-off point for travellers on the Old Spanish Trail. In 1900 the Valley had a population of just 30 people but things changed in 1905 with the now defunct rail link between Salt Lake City in Utah and Los Angeles. Though Nevada was the first state to outlaw gambling in 1909, it was made legal once more in 1931 and the workers who built the Hoover Dam flocked to Las Vegas to bet their wage packets. By the 1950's, Las Vegas was booming. The Las Vegas sprawl measures 15 miles by 15 miles but the only area of interest to tourists is the 6 mile stretch of Las Vegas Boulevard that includes downtown and The Strip. In between lie two seedy miles of gas stations, fast-food drive-ins and wedding chapels - the rest of the city is largely residential.

Well we left mid-morning and did a shop at Walmart before an amazing drive through desolate desert and dry plains all surrounded by volcanic mountain ranges. Along the 10 mile drive to Beatty we passed a couple of very small towns consisting of nothing more than a couple of houses (or run-down trailers) and a garage except for the Creech Air Force Base - Nevada is used by the military to test aircraft and weapons systems (all very hush-hush I think). Anyway it was a good drive, very hot and nice to be back on the road. Pulled into the Space Station RV Park (Area 51 is just up the road so hence the name I guess) and settled in.

Space Station RV park, Beatty, Nevada
 Nice little site in the middle of the one-street town of Beatty (pop. 1,110, elev. 3,300 ft.). I went out for a walk to explore - very quiet particularly on a Monday but as its a gateway town to Death Valley National Park, it must get a lot of  tourist traffic.

Beatty, Nevada

Beatty, Nevada
Went out early evening to the Happy Burro for a beer - a couple of the bars here have outside space (yeah! fresh air and no freezing air conditioning) so sat out in the lovely warm night air before going to the K.C. Diner next door for delicious pizza. Pleasant walk home and bumped into the wild donkeys that roam the streets here which was nice. Leaving Nevada tomorrow and off to Death Valley and California but have a feeling we may be back.

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