Sunday, October 6, 2013


Tuesday 9 October
Well, here we are back in Nevada.

Little casinos were apparent immediately and there are gambling machines in garages and shops, in fact almost everywhere, it's endemic in this state. Noticed that the fire risk is still really high as we passed areas of fire-damaged forest. Passed Topaz Lake and drove through the Carson Valley and Carson City (the state capital). We climbed and climbed and climbed again until we reached the tiny silver mining town of Virginia City.

Virginia City, Nevada

Virginia City, Nevada
We've had a bit of a messy and stressful week in many ways - we're in the land of uncertainties. We know we have to sell the van, the 'budget's' fucked and it probably hasn't been our most 'together' time. Virginia City at any other time would have been great. Much of the wealth on which Carson City and San Francisco was built on came from the silver mines of the Comstock lode, a solid seam of pure silver discovered in 1859. Virginia City grew up on the very steep slopes above the mines and is a quintessential tourist/Western town with wooden sidewalks, old original buildings and atmosphere as well as the usual tourist shops and attractions. The views from the old Main Street of arid mountain slopes still seems remote and undisturbed.
We had a great walk around for a few hours before driving back along Highway 50 whose scenic name is 'The Loneliest Road in the World'. We only did about 50 miles of it but it gets its name from days of old when the Pony Express carried mail to the West Coast often travelling for long stretches without seeing a soul (sounds familiar, even these days!). Its an area known as the Great Basin and its a desolate land of sand, peaks and dried-up lake beds.

The High Desert, Nevada

The High Desert, Nevada
There are now pockets of civilization and we passed through the little towns of Dayton, Stagecoach and Indian Springs before arriving at the largish town of Fallon where we rested our weary bones for the night at the local Walmart. Cooked some food, had a few beers, listened to some good music on the local radio station and bed. Have no idea what tomorrow holds.

Wednesday 10 October
Had a good night's sleep and it was nice to be sleeping 'on the road' for a few nights - we haven't been able to do that much this year because of the heat. Set off about 9.30 a.m. to drive the 200 odd miles to Tonopah unless we see anywhere else we want to stop. Another stunning days' driving - nothing but scrub, sand, mountains and sky - beautiful. We are in the High Desert now and still surrounded by huge mountains ranges but are largely travelling along mountain plains and foothills at about 4,000 ft. Crossed the Walker River Piaute Reservation and through the little town of  Schure ( not a very tribal sounding name) but, nevertheless, an Indian town in an oasis in the desert. Sadly though, the usual mix of rusting vehicles, shabby trailer parks, scrawny dogs, ragged children and a real sense of isolation and poverty. We were quite excited this morning when a coyote ran right across the road in front of us - it looked like a large, bushy fox - a first for us though. Later we stopped for an hour on 20 Mile Beach at pretty Walker Lake.

20 Mile Beach, Walker Lake, Nevada

Millie at Walker Lake, Nevada
Had a sandwich and a cuppa and walked down to the shoreline to see thousands (literally thousands) of birds including huge, white pelicans which seemed a bit strange in the desert and so far away from the sea. Not sure what the others were, they looked like black geese and whether they were migrating and had stopped there, we're not sure - they may, of course, be native but we'll check it out in our bird book - it was a glorious site though.

I like Nevada. I like its desolation, its vast open spaces, its unpretentiousness, its aridness and its massive skies. We travelled the best part of 100 miles and saw hardly a thing and certainly no fuel stops. No-one really lives here unless its in one of the isolated little towns dotted along the highway. It's a real movie set scenario though - a 'Western' wonderland. When I'm in this sort of environment, you can't help but admire the early pioneer - they came from the East, they climbed the mountains, crossed the waterless desert, struggled with the heat, skirmished and fought with the natives all to reach The Land of Opportunity in the West where the chances to make a good life on the land were abundant  - they were true heroes of their time. Other heroes were the '49'ers', the prospectors who, in their thousands, travelled to these lands, many again perishing along the way.

The clouds drew in and the wind started to howl across the plains so we weren't sorry when we reached Tonopah (pop. 2,760) mid-afternoon. We pulled into the Bank Club Casino (a small casino/bar) for some free camping before having a wander around the small mining town.

Tonopah, Nevada

'Relics of the old mining days', Tonopah, Nevada

'Vote for me', Tonopah, Nevada

Tonopah, Nevada
Nice little small town not glorified at all for tourists although plenty must pass through on their way to the mecca of Las Vegas. Apparently, at one time, Wyatt Earp was the sheriff here. We went to the casino/bar for a jug of beer but the bar was soulless so walked up the road to a little saloon. It was a cold night and the wind was fierce so the Saddle Bar was warm and comforting and we stayed a few hours drinking far too much - nice night though. Home in the cold, no food, crashed out.

Thursday 11 October
Well, we're not feeling so good this morning so stayed in bed whilst Dave drove. It's an awful day, cold with heavy rain so we drove about 100 miles to Indian Springs, a little town of about 50 people, on the side of the highway. Stopped in the little casino car park, read all day and went to the bar for food early evening. Nice meal, nice chat and home for a quiet night. Back to Las Vegas tomorrow.

Friday 12 October
Well, some may say, we've copped out and we feel like that a bit ourselves sometimes. We need to get the van ready for selling, make enquiries about how to sell and this is as good a place as any. Also, we've lost the impetus a little and the price of  fuel, which is going up on a daily basis, is not really helping plus the fact that other than going north we have pretty much covered all the nearby states. We've decided to make Sam's Town a base for a week or so. It's cheap and for some reason, and we don't know what it is, we like it. There's a good local bar/casino across the road, the weather's good and its cheap.

Sam's Town, Las Vegas, Nevada

Sam's Town RV Park, Las Vegas, Nevada

'Views from Sam's Town', Las Vegas, Nevada
However, the rains and cold front which have troubled us in the last couple of days, hit Las Vegas as well and yesterday there was record rainfall. The week ahead looks good though with temperatures at about 30 degrees. We had a good spring clean, I made a cottage pie, talked to the new Mr and Mrs Davey (James and Lisa) on Skype (who have returned from a memorable honeymoon in Hawaii) and talked to Mia who is now able to talk without crying her eyes out. She has been in the depths since leaving us all and returning to New Zealand - we know how she feels - sometimes I can't bear to think that I won't share the rest of my life with her - don't think about it too often, its too painful. Read our books and had a quiet night.

Saturday 13 October
Nice night's sleep and awoke to beautiful blue skies again. Did some advertising online re. the van, did some laundry, sat in the sun reading and, generally, had a quiet day. We've got stickers on the van to say its 'for sale' and someone stopped by to have a look and said he'd bring his wife back in a couple of days  - it's a start anyway. We went out early evening to The Longhorn, the seedy but nice, little local casino bar across the road. People there pleased to see us again which was nice - it will be nice to have a local if we end up staying for any amount of time. Had a snack at the bar, came home, got some supper and bed.

Sunday 14 October
The season has changed in the couple of weeks we've been away. The days are lovely but the mornings and evenings are definitely fresher and you don't feel as if you're being hit by a wall of heat whenever you walk out of a door. More of the same today really, went for a long walk up Boulder Highway and found a new bar called Chubby's which we'll have to try one night. The street is full of cheap motels, fast food stores, liquor shops and dodgy characters but there's life on the streets and that's always fascinating. Swam, read, lazed and then went for a couple of drinks in Sam's Town before having an excellent 'all you can eat' buffet. Early night and a read in bed.

Monday 15 October
Really hot night again and its going to be a hot day I think - certainly still in the high 80's. You can tell we're getting to the 'snowbird'  season (retired folk escaping from cold northern climates to winter in the warmer southern states). I would say a large number of the population here now are our age or older and many of them have scrawny little rats on strings (mini dogs) with ribbons in their hair and diamonds around their necks. At nights they lay on their plush pillows in the front windows of their owner's RV as if they think everyone wants to see them - they're noisy and yappy and if one more person says to me, by way of apology when their precious pooch is making an infernal noise, 'she's nervous poor little thing' , I won't be responsible for my actions. I'm not much of a dog person myself but if you want a dog, why not have a dog instead of some sorry little creature you have to carry around under your arm - sorry rant over!

Didn't do much today, tried to do some advertising but my phone number couldn't be verified so I couldn't advertise online - probably where my frustration is coming from. Cooked a roast dinner which was nice and then disaster, the computer crashed. You only realize quite how important these things are when they go wrong and it is particularly important for us at the moment now we have Millie up for sale. Dave is fairly knowledgeable but nothing could be done - we need Jack. Night night.

Tuesday 16 October
Nothing else to do but buy a new computer. Fortunately they are a good price in Walmart but its still money we don't really want to spend. Also sincerely hope we can retrieve all the info on the hard disc when we get back as I have all the photos on there - typically have not saved them on to a memory stick or back-up disc.

Very hot day so swam and lazed while Dave did what had to be done. Someone came and looked at the van but no sale yet. Went to the cinema at the casino early evening to see Target 2 with Liam Neeson. OK film, would have been good for TV but not a particularly memorable movie although I do like Liam Neeson. Only 3 dollars though as its 'Seniors' Day so bargain. Lovely evening so wandered up to Chubby's but it was closed so back into the Garden Bar at Sam's Town for a couple of drinks before home to ring Mia to discuss our camping trip in New Zealand over New Year. Nice evening.

Wednesday 17 October
Another lovely day. Did more of the same - had a barbecue in the evening and a nice quiet night.

Thursday 18 October
Beginning to wish we were at home this weekend to see everyone for the 'other' wedding party that James and Lisa are holding. Really hot day so lots of swimming before going to The Longhorn for early drinks and some food. We've got to know the bar staff (Larry and Greg) and a few of the locals quite well. Jan, Larry's sort of girlfriend is lovely and its nice to feel part of a little community. Nice night.

Jan and Larry, The Longhorn, Las Vegas, Nevada

Greg, The Longhorn, Las Vegas, Nevada
Friday 19 October
I've started walking around the perimeter of the campsite every day for 4 laps to give me a bit of exercise - not sure how far it is but it takes me 30 minutes so I might up it. Not too much happening with the van, had a few casual overtures but that's about it. Another very hot day, about 88 degrees, and a wonderful warm evening so strolled up to Chubby's for a beer before going back to The Longhorn. Too busy to sit at the bar but had a few drinks and one more in the Garden Bar at Sam's Town before picking up some really nice Thai take-away and going home. Nice evening.

Saturday 20 October
Hot again but think we're in for a bit of a cooler front moving in and some strong winds over the next few days. Wish we were at home for the party today. Barbecued some very nice pork and sat out in the beautiful evening air although its dark by 6.00 p.m. now. Had a quiet night.

Sunday 21 October
Well it doesn't seem to be that much cooler although the winds are stronger - it was another hot night though. Did my circuits, lazed, swam and sunbathed before going out late afternoon. We were going to go to the cinema but didn't get our act together - too much time and so nothing gets done! We're having a really cheap time though which was partly the point of the exercise. Went to The Longhorn early evening and won a Cincinatti Bengals football shirts in the free raffle they hold on football nights. A few beers and shots before a McDonald's and bed.

Monday 22 October
Another sparkling blue day here in Nevada although temperatures have dropped a little and the winds are quite fierce. Had a clean up but sadly not before a couple came and looked at the van - don't think they were interested anyway. Went out early afternoon to an RV dealership down the road - beginning to realize that for a lot of dealers its too old and too outdated - they prefer vehicles 10 years old and under. They weren't really very interested but he did say he would take it off our hands for 7,500 dollars which was a bit of a shock although maybe its realistic considering its age, the economy, fuel prices and time of year. Picked up some beers and soft drinks before driving back, cooked a nice dinner and had an early night.

Tuesday 23 October
Well the cold front is supposed to be coming in but it doesn't seem to be making too much of a difference at the moment. Walked my laps, had a swim, read and sunbathed and then went to the 5.00 cinema showing. There's a wonderful cinema/theatre complex here with several stages and 18 screens. I wanted to see Alex Cross as I have read all the James Patterson books which feature him but it was truly awful, or the acting was, the stories are always good. Had a beer in the Garden Bar before another delicious all-you-can-eat buffet. Back for a read, a game of cards and bed.

The Garden Bar, Sam's Town, Las Vegas, Nevada
Wednesday 24 October
Happy birthday darling Mum and happy birthday darling Lisa xx
Didn't do a lot today and it was certainly a little bit cooler. Did 6 laps around the perimeter, went to the pool for an hour but its getting a bit more shady and a little on the cool side to swim. Out early evening to meet Larry and Jan. Nice night, nice people. Larry's father was a leading violinist back 'in the day' and he had lots of stories to tell about old Vegas and the stars. Some good drinks, some nice chat and a good night was had by all.

Thursday 25 October
Another day and not much is different. We went out to get some money, walked up Boulder Highway to look at another RV site - it's always an interesting walk, we seem to be the only 'normal' people on the streets - druggies, drunks, the destitute and the down & outs seem to patrol them - no hassle though and we don't feel threatened or intimidated in any way. The Walmart here, unlike anywhere else we've been, is also an education - it takes all sorts I guess.

Went bowling late afternoon. Sam's Town has a beautiful 18 screen cinema, 3-staged theatre and a 30 lane bowling alley - we get free bowling with our cinema tickets and had a fun couple of hours. Cooked some nice steak and had a quiet night reading. We have managed to find an advert-free family film channel but it is pretty dire - who wants to see 'Diary of a Wimpy Kid' or 'It's a Great Burger'. We've watched a couple of Harry Potter re-runs which are always good viewing however many times you've seen them before and the nauseating but nearly nice Beethoven but, generally, the book takes preference - thanks goodness for the printed page! Anyway nice day, bed and a read.

Friday 26 October
Cold today. Bright blue skies but the chilliest its been since we've been here. Did several lots of laundry and did my 6 laps. Someone, who seemed very interested, came to look at the van. Had a long chat to Mia and then went out late afternoon to Arizona Charlie's, a small casino about a mile up 'notorious' Boulder Highway. Wrapped up in leggings, trainers and a hoodie only to find that the weather was getting warmer and I was getting hotter. Nice little casino bar, drinks really cheap at 1 dollar for a beer so had a few and will definitely go back. Got delicious KFC on the way home, read and bed. Nice day.

Saturday 27 October
Nice day and the weather's warming up nicely again. Usual stuff, enjoying my walks around the perimeter and feel as if I need to do a bit of 'real' exercise as we aren't particularly active at the moment. Said we'd meet Jan at The Longhorn tonight so decided to cook some burgers and eat before we went out. I was just doing that when a couple knocked on the door to say could they look at the van. Anyway they had a good nose around and seemed really interested - we'll see. Had a nice night at the bar chatting to people and drinking. Cooked cheese on toast for supper and bed.

Sunday 28 October
Decided to have the champagne brunch buffet at Sam's Town about midday but earlier we had got a phone  call to say that the couple from yesterday wanted to come and see the van again and have a test drive so we arranged that for 2.30 p.m. Brunch good and stuffed with food by the time Bud and Rita arrived. They come to Nevada for 3-4 months every winter from Montana as they like to get away from the severe weather and they like to gamble but instead of pulling their 5-wheel (like a huge caravan) down here again they thought they might buy an RV and store it locally when they leave. Went for a ride, had a chat and agreed a price of 14,800 dollars. They will come down on 15 November to take possession. Can't quite believe it - our little home gone - at the same time, very relieved and its a 'not bad' price. We will have to stay here until then, which is another couple of weeks, its a bit boring but we do have a 'little life' here now. Went to The Longhorn to celebrate, won another football shirt in the raffle - the New Orleans Saints. Had a good night. What a strange day!

Monday 29 October
Hot, hot, hot today and temperatures are back in the mid 80's although it takes a little while now to really hot up. Dave went out for breakfast and then for a long walk up Boulder Highway  to get some books from the thrift store. I did my laps then had a wander, bought some new sunglasses as mine had broken and a few groceries before coming back mid-afternoon for a read in the sun and a swim. Feels strange that the van has been sold but we are pleased and relieved - we might book a holiday. Quiet night, cooked dinner and read.

Tuesday 30 October
Usual stuff, basically a lazy day other than my laps. Went to the cinema late afternoon and started watching Hotel Transylvania in 3D but it was such rubbish so we moved screens to watch Silent Hill, a supernatural horror with Sean Bean, which turned out to be even worse total rubbish so gave up and left. Went for a nice buffet and then home.

Wednesday 31 October
Happy Hallowe'en. This time last year we were celebrating the event in New Orleans which was amazing. We went for a walk up 'The Boulder' this morning and bought a new suitcase and a few other bits. Had a swim although the pool is getting a bit chilly now that the sun doesn't reach it.

Pumpkins on display at Walmart, Las Vegas, Nevada
Went out early evening to The Longhorn for the Hallowe'en party. I hated not dressing up but I think you either have to do it properly or not do it at all. Some very good costumes and had a good time with Jan, Larry, Woody and a few others.

Thursday 1 November
Of course its another lovely day here in the ghetto so did my laps, had a read and made a shepherd's pie before going to the free live entertainment show in Sam's Town mid-afternoon. It's not really our cup of tea although the entertainers were excellent - told Dave not to moan all the way through and he actually didn't - we did find the comedian/magician very good. We went bowling afterwards and I was pleased to say that I was much improved on last week - very good fun. Made the mistake of going to The Garden Bar for a quick beer, bumping into Woody and drinking far too much wine. Managed to heat up and serve supper which was, as always, delicious before bed.

Friday 2 November
Think we had a row last night 'cos Dave's not speaking to me. Did my laps, went to the pool and then did a bit of shopping in Walmart before cooking dinner. Watched 'Johnny English' with Rowan Atkinson on TV which was very funny. Went to bed.

Saturday 3 November
We decided to wander out to the Enterprise Car Rental shop to check out car hire for when the van has gone. Gorgeous morning and had a lovely walk, although it was a bit further than we thought, only to find it was closed on a Saturday afternoon when we got there. Picked up some groceries before going back and sitting in the sun for a read. Dave's foot is sore today so just hoping its not gout. Decided not to go out, picked up some very good Chinese take-away from Sam's Town, watched the enchanting 'Mr. Popper's Penguins' and had an early night.

Sunday 4 November
Clocks changed last night so light at 6.00 a.m. but, sadly, dark at 5.00 p.m. - winter is upon us! Nevertheless, the last few days have been really hot again so did some sunning and reading before going out early evening (in the dark) to The Longhorn for Sunday football. Chatted to Olivia and Clarence but Jan wasn't in tonight although Larry was serving behind the bar. Had a ridiculous conversation with some guy who said 'he loved all Brits because he'd met so many great guys
 when he was working as a Navy Seal in Afghanistan and Iraq'. Now, of course, that is totally feasible but he kept on about it so much - how he's done this and how he'd done that, that it all became a bit unbelievable. We got so fed up in the end, we ignored him and then left. Picked up McDonalds on the way home.

Monday 5 November
Happy Bonfire Night to all at home. A very warm night and we woke to another gorgeous day - aren't they all! Much of the same today before having, what might be, our last barbecue of the summer, year and trip. Dave cooked steaks and we had a quiet night in.

Tuesday 6 November - Election Day
Another lovely hot day after a warm night although it is supposed to be getting colder as the week goes on. Went for a walk to the Salvation Army shop and bought a skirt and top before having a couple of beers and going to see 'The Man with the Iron Fists', the new Tarantino movie - never seen so much rubbish except perhaps for last week. We only lasted 30 minutes and walked out. Went for a great buffet before coming back to watch the election results come in - victory for Barrack Obama once again.

Wednesday 7 November
Still warm at night and hot during the day - lovely and can't imagine it ending. Caught the early afternoon free shuttle from Sam's Town onto The Strip and had a great few hours - wandered, had a look around Caesar's Palace (as not been there before) although the 'Fountain Spectacular' wasn't working which was a shame - beautiful hotel though with old Roman streets and ancient ruins etc. - most impressed. Had a good walk around before having a pitcher in a little bar on the street, nice to sit and watch life in all its glory. Walked all the way down to The Excalibur and had some tequilas in The Lobby Bar for old time's sake - cheers to absent friends and loved ones. Did intend to get some nice food but enjoying the tequilas too much so sat at a music bar with a massive stage and listened to some excellent rock covers.

Caesar's Palace, Las Vegas, Nevada

The Lobby Bar, The Excalibur, Las Vegas, Nevada

Las Vegas, Nevada

Las Vegas, Nevada

New York, New York, Las Vegas, Nevada
We had a great day. We hadn't done it before as we are staying at Sam's Town in order to live cheaply - it is so expensive on The Strip - 22 dollars for 2 tequilas sunrises - but it was fun and we'll probably go into downtown Vegas on Monday for the last time. Got the last free bus back, ate some rubbish food in Sam's Town and bed - good day.

Thursday 8 November
Weather seems to be on the turn although its still very warm at night. Cloudier today, windy and quite humid. I went to the free live entertainment show in the afternoon - Dave downright refused - he said once (last week) was quite enough for him. He met me when it finished and we went bowling for an hour - I was chronically awful today but it was still good fun. Decided on no alcohol today so went home, cooked a roast dinner and watched 'Antz' on the commercial free family fun channel. Read and bed.

Friday 9 November
Still a lovely day although the cold is on the way apparently - I seem to have been saying that for ages. Had a long walk to the Salvation Army thrift and bought a few things and then wandered over to The Longhorn early evening. It was packed as its pay day and you can cash your pay cheque in for extra points and have a chance to win 500 dollars. Its frightening to see how many people gamble here and by here I mean anywhere in Nevada. You can't walk into a shop, garage, bar without finding slots and as much as I like our 'local' it will be nice to sit in a bar and not have a slot in front of me. Anyway we couldn't get a seat so had a beer and then went across the road to The Eastside Cannery for a couple before going back to The Longhorn.

The Eastside Cannery, Las Vegas, Nevada
Thrilled to hear that Clarence will bring me in a couple of football T shirts and caps on Sunday - brilliant. Chatted to Larry and a few others before picking up fish and chips from Long John Silver's  - not had them before and won't again. Nice night though.

Saturday 10 November
Much, much colder today and after having a walk decided to hibernate, put the heating on and read our books. Picked up some steak at Walmart for dinner and had an early night. Hard to believe that the temperature has dropped from about 83 degrees to barely 50.

Sunday 11 November
Lovely crisp, cold morning - you don't have many of those here. We wandered up to Arizona Charlie's to meet Jan for a champagne brunch. Started off with Bloody Mary's for Dave and Jan and tequila for me followed by a delicious buffet and plenty of champagne. Jan took us back to her house where she presented us with a couple of souvenirs - a Sam's Town jacket for me and a Longhorn Casino one for Dave - so very sweet of her. Had a lovely walk back to Sam's Town, spent the afternoon reading and napping before going to The Longhorn to meet Jan and Larry late afternoon for drinks before the football and before Larry started work. Clarence brought me two great T-shirts and caps - the New York Yankees and the Baltimore Rams. Had a good night, its going to be sad to leave.

Monday 12 November
Veteran's Day here so it's a bank holiday. Still very cool but crisp and lovely. Think we're beginning to resemble the natives a bit. I went to Walmart and got my shopping and receipts checked over on the way out, this has happened several times now so it makes me think we are beginning to look like the drunken and the drugged, the destitute and the downtrodden although we haven't yet succumbed to going out in our night clothes. Now that the weather is a little cooler, large numbers of natives are out and about in their pyjamas, fluffy dressing gowns and slippers - more bed clothes here than on a hospital ward.

We did a lot of clearing out in the morning, we had a case of stuff we don't want for the thrift shop and packed a case full of stuff we will take home but won't want in New Zealand - winter clothes etc. - just have to hope that everything else goes in one case and a flight bag. Can't say I'm really looking forward either to living out of a suitcase for 3 weeks once the van goes but needs must. Did my laps and some reading and then caught the shuttle mid-afternoon to downtown Las Vegas and had a few nostalgic beers in Main Street (our first port of call to the city nearly 2 years ago). Who would have ever thought that we would have returned let alone ended up living in south Las Vegas for the best part of 6 weeks. Had a wander through the Fremont Experience - its a thrill however many times you see it - the music, the crowds, the psychedelic roof, just the whole buzz.

Fremont Experience, Las Vegas, Nevada
Had a drink at The Fremont before going for pizzas. Shuttle bus home and a quiet night before bed.

Tuesday 13 November
Simply lovely morning and the day warmed up to a pleasant 67 degrees - just like a perfect September day at home. Did some cleaning and then my laps. Dave and I are both a bit fraught - it's the end of a 'dream' in a way for us. Jan rang and we made arrangements to pick up the hire car with her tomorrow. No new films so no cinema today. Had a couple of drinks at the Garden Bar, had a chat to Woody, came home and cooked the last of our food and read in bed.

Wednesday 14 November
Well it's arrived, our last day. Really wish we were going a few days later and had another weekend here. Met Jan at 11.30 a.m. who took us out to pick up a rental car, it is costing so much - 1,000 dollars for 3 weeks hire and insurance - think we're both wondering if we shouldn't have just gone 'on holiday'. All very tense today, packing a nightmare and we nearly came to blows trying to get everything in one case. We bought a new flight bag so now we've got 2 suitcases and 2 flight bags. Went to the thrift shop with a huge case, put bags and bags in the trash and still got too much. We'll have to get rid of more before we fly to Auckland. Went to The Longhorn late afternoon for last drinks with Jan and Larry.

Jan, Larry, Dave and I, The Longhorn, Las Vegas, Nevada

Jan, Larry and I, The Longhorn, Las Vegas, Nevada
Had a good night, they are lovely people and we'll miss them, in fact we'll miss the whole experience of seedy south Las Vegas, we've loved it here. Picked up a rubbish KFC and bed.

Thursday 15 November
Will be glad when today's over and we're on our way. Went for brunch before doing last minute packing and cleaning and packing up the car. Bud and Rita arrived early afternoon and we signed over the title, counted the money and went for a couple of beers in the Garden Bar to celebrate/commiserate. They're really nice and I think had we met in a different time, we would have been friends.

Bud and Rita, Sam's Town, Las Vegas, Nevada

Dave and I, Sam's Town, Las Vegas, Nevada
We finished our drinks, said our goodbyes and just drove up the road to Arizona Charlie's. We booked a room and went straight back to the bar to get drunk. Had a great night - think we both feel a bit more relaxed now the deed is done. Good night and farewell Las Vegas.

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